Chat pélerin


It is the story of a cat, Allaji who, returning from his pilgrimage to Mecca explains to everyone, cat and mouse, that a new law has been enacted: “Do not take what does not belong to you, otherwise we will cut off your head.” Puppet show where dance and gesture are combined, this tale offers a call to tolerance and peaceful relations. Halfway between French and Bambara, the co-production brings together artists from Compagnie Nama, Territoire 80 (Canada) and Théâtre du Mouvement (France).


Production credits

Staging, adaptation and visual design: Yacouba Maassouba and Emilie Racine
Artistic support: Claire Heggen
Movement Advisor: Laurence Castonguay emery
Performers: Yacouba Magassouba, Sekou Coumare, Aoua Camara, Salif Berthé  

April 2019
First artistic residency at the Institut français du Mali

November 27, 2019
Artistic residency in Quebec and laboratory presentation
Location: Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata – 4374, boulevard St-Laurent, Montréal